
HTLADL Chapter 2

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Mohegan567's avatar

Literature Text

Author's note

Wow! Thanks a lot folks for all the reviews and favorites. I'm glad you are enjoying my story so far! I hope I did not traumatize too many Toothless fans there.

Once again I warn for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Enjoy chapter 2!

'Urgh…aaahh, my head….' Hiccup moaned, he opened his eyes and grumbled. 'Great! Now I am seeing stars!' But then he noticed that he was looking up at the night sky. With his hand he gently rubbed the sore spot on his head. 'What a weird dream that wa…..' Hiccup stopped in the middle of his sentence when he saw his hand or shall we say…paw. 'No! Please no!' he cried out when he found out it wasn't a dream. It was his worst nightmare! He tried to get up, but fell back because he was lying on his wings. He rolled around, but had great difficulty getting up because these wings were getting in the way. Suddenly he heard the beating of small wings and felt a light pressure on the pads of his hind legs. He looked up surprised when he saw two terrible terrors sitting on his feet snickering at him.

'Did you see that Picknose?' the yellow one chattered to the other. 'Yes I did Lickeye' the blue one replied. 'I saw how he was DRAGON around his wings like a hatchling!' This bad pun had the two terrors in stitches. They were chittering and making high pitched laughing noises that irritated Hiccup's now very sensitive hearing. His eyes grew wide with surprise when he realized that he could understand them. 'What! That's impossible! Dragons can't talk' he shouted while flailing his limbs around madly. This caused the two terrors to quickly take to the sky. They made a huffing sound before landing on a rock next to Hiccup. The yellow one, probably the leader, looked slightly irritated, probably because Hiccup ruined their fun by throwing them almost off him.

'I expected more of the majestic Shadow Racer.' The yellow one retorted. 'And here I am witnessing this 'powerful beast' crashing on his head, being frightened away by mere Vikings.' Hiccup cocked an eyebrow. 'Shadow Racer? You mean Night Fury!' he replied. 'What's a Night Fury?' The blue one asked before flying up and landing on Hiccup's head. 'You know, I expected a big fight!' Picknose, the blue terror said while looking upside down at Hiccup's face. 'I thought there would be a fight that would dragon and on and on. Did you get that Lickeye? Dragon and on? Hahahahaha.' Lickeye clutched his sides and rolled around on the rock. 'That's a good one Picknose!' Again these high pitched noises irritated Hiccup immensely. 'Stop it! Where am I? Who are you anyway!' He growled. He finally got up by rolling on one side, slowly getting up without trying to trip over his wings again. How could dragons function with these things? It was like having an extra pair of arms. Picknose quickly fluttered off Hiccup's head and landed next to the other terror. 'I guess he must've hit his head pretty hard' he whispered. 'I guess so too' the other one replied.

'Listen here Oh-your-great-Dragon-Leader' Lickeye sarcastically said, 'It was your job to lead the attack of yesterday night. We saw you getting hit and we came to check if you were still alive. You know, it's the first time that I saw you in action and I must say that I am not impressed!' Both terrors had their eyes narrowed as if they were mocking him, but at the same time enjoying it a lot. 'That was not me! That was the other Night Fury.'
'Shadow Racer' Lickeye corrected.
'Whatever! That monster destroyed my village and therefore I killed it!'
'Y-your village? What are you? A pet dragon? Oh that's rich, did you hear that Lickeye?' The blue one said while gently nudging his friend. 'Yes I did! I'm not deaf Picknose!' the yellow one snapped. 'And what's up with those names anyway?' Hiccup asked, getting more and more frustrated by the minute. 'Every time I stick out my tongue I tend to poke my own eyes. Like this!' He stuck out his tongue and accidently hit one of his own eyes. 'And I like to pick my nose. Watch this!'
'No, no no! I get it!' Hiccup quickly replied. 'Fine!' Picknose answered. 'What's you name then?' Hiccup shuffled around a bit with his paws before answering. 'Hiccup.'
'Hiccup? What kind of weird dragon name is that?' Hiccup growled and jumped up, pressing his front paws up on the rock, staring down at the two terrors. 'I'm not a dragon, don't you dare call me that! I'm a human!' The two tiny dragons  flew up, obviously frightened out of their wits. Lickeye snorted and said: 'Well don't look now 'human' but your friends are coming'  he pointed his head towards where the village was. Hiccup saw lights shining through the trees. It appeared the Vikings were coming this way, probably wielding torches and….axes. 'Good luck!' both terrors chattered before flying away into the night. 'Wait! I can't fly!' Hiccup shouted. He was trapped in the cove! Panicking he looked around, he looked at his wings, his body and then his tail. Then he got an idea.

'Find it! Find that damned demon!' Stoick spat back at some Vikings who were leaning against a tree, out of breath. 'Stoick! They're doing the best they can!' his friend Gobber answered, putting a hand on the angry Viking's shoulder. Stoick rudely shoved the hand of his shoulder. 'That…that beast does not deserve to live! It killed my only child! I will not rest before I have it's blood spread across this damn forest!' Gobber gulped when he heard his friend scream like that. Okay, he was used to Stoick's tempers, but he has never seen him like this. Full of rage and hatred. He understood it though, Hiccup had finally made his father proud and then was abruptly taken away. 'I will tell ya what we'll do friend. We'll check out this cove and then call it a day. I swear we will find him. Just don't take it out on the rest.' It seemed Stoick finally had calmed down a bit.  Like reality of Hiccup's 'death' finally had hit him. 'Fine…. Astrid! Snotlout! Check out that cove!' Both the young Vikings walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down. It was too dark to really see what was inside it. 'Throw one of your torches down there!' Stoick said. Snotlout threw back his arm and with a mighty swing let go off the torch. The light faded when it hit the water. It made a sizzling sound when the fire went out. 'I don't think he is here sir, this cove is filled with water.' Astrid squinted her eyes. She really thought she saw something moving down there. 'It's no use Stoick, we shall call it a day.' Stoick was too heartbroken to really notice what Gobber was saying, he let him simply be guided back to the village. All the Vikings returned to the village, all but Astrid. She sat down behind a big rock at the edge of the cliff and waited for the sun to rise.

Hiccup lay flat on his belly, eyes shut, his wings outstretched completely to blend himself in with his environment. When he could no longer hear anyone around he stood up and shook the dirt off him. He scanned his surrounds trying to find a way out of here. It amazed him that he could see so much better than when he was a human. His nose was filled with strange smells, he smelled the sea, the wood of the pine trees and a whole lot of different smells that he never smelled before. 'There's got to be a way out of here' he mumbled to himself. He looked at his wings. 'Maybe…..' He raised his wings and flapped them a few times. Then he began to run, trying to gain enough speed. He jumped and…….Crashed into a wall and fell flat on his back…again. Also he felt his consciousness slipping away….again. But not before he could've sworn he saw that cursed shadow beast watching over him, on top of a pile of rocks at the edge of the cove, with a stern look on it's face.

Hiccup woke up when he felt a more heavier pressure on his chest. He tried to open his eyes, but quickly closed them again when sunrays temporarily blinded him. 'Get away you pesky terrors! Leave me alone' Trying to swipe them away. Then something hard hit him on the snout. 'Ouch' Hiccup growled and his eyes shot open, he looked right in the face of a certain Viking girl, who did not look too happy. 'This is the beast that killed Hiccup? This clumsy oaf of a dragon.' She screamed. Hiccup froze, how had she found him? In her hand she held an axe. Slowly she began to rise it. 'Clumsy or not, you will pay for what you did to Hiccup' she said. Her voice broke down a bit when she said that, Hiccup had noticed. But his attention was quickly caught by the axe that was looming over his head. With a scream he threw her off him and stood up. 'Augh, damn you!' Astrid shouted. She grabbed her axe and swung it at him. 'Calm down Astrid! You don't want to hurt your friend Hiccup now do you?' He mentally slapped himself when he remembered that people could not understand him. Astrid lunged at him and swung her axe. Hiccup ducked away too late. She managed to make a rather large cut on his chest that began to bleed. Hiccup roared and tried to jump away from her as fast as possible. He flapped his wings while jumping and noticed that he began to hover above the ground. With all his might he kept flapping them again and again. He was doing it! He was flying! Astrid tried to hit him one last time, but he was too high for her now. 'Don't think you'll get rid of me so easily dragon!' Astrid screamed, waving her fist at him.

Astrid was now one of Hiccup's least concerns. His biggest problem now was how to fly away far enough and land safely.

That's chapter two for you now folks. Man, I was hit by a creative mood right now. I hope to get the next chapter up soon!
Chapter 2 of my story. I was hit by a creative mood and it was really easy to type up this chapter. Enjoy!

Characters (c) Dreamworks
© 2010 - 2024 Mohegan567
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